Where Soul Meets Body

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New Year, New You.

We are nearing January, which means we are probably making a list of those "new year resolutions" we swore we are going to commit to in the upcoming year, only to relistically end up dropping most by February. While resolutions such as finally decluttering the garage or staying on a strict diet can be dropped more easily than other resolutions, there is one you should NEVER give up: self-care for your well-being. Essentially, all resolutions are originally formed with the mindset of "taking care of oneself," however we can quickly get caught in the whirlwind of life and before we know it, old habits return. Instead, we want to focus on making exercise, yoga or meditation, and of course, massage therapy a part of a normal self-care routine. This in turn, could help to make those other resolutions easier to accomplish.

A study made at Emory University found that receiving massage therapy once or twice a week can lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and can also increase white blood cell counts. White blood cells play a key role in things such as fending off infection, reducing migraines, and curbing low back pain. "Anyone who enjoys massage should consider indulging regularly," says Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine. “Of course, a single session will do great things for the body, but regular sessions seem to be even more profound.” {Source 1}

An additional benefit of recieving regular massages include experiencing a "natural high" from the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Massage has also been shown to help with promoting a restful night's sleep, increasing circulation, and the obvious of loosening ones muscles from chronic tension, stress or exercise.

Now we understand that indulging in massage more than once a week, let along once a month can be difficult, but it can be accomplished, based on your individual session goals and certain money-saving opportunities like investing in our Series program. Ultimately, from these examples and much, much more, massage has been shown to improve quality of life both physically and mentally. It may also have the ability to speak to ones soul and help them to look within because receiving massage in and of itself can be a metitative experience.

The point we are trying to make is to invest in yourself! Whether that's joining a gym, talking to a nutritionist or keeping up with a more routine massage plan; when body, mind, and soul are healthy and in balance, the rest of those New Year's Resolutions will become more realistic goals that you'll be excited to achieve.

Book your first massage of many this year at Where Soul Meets Body, today!