Eight Accompaniments to Enhance Your Massage
When an individual books a massage, usually it is for theraputic reasons related to past and present injuries, chronically tight and painful muscles, or from being an athlete. Some clients would just like to destress or be pampered. Though a simple massage may do the trick, there are numerous accompaniments that can enhance your massage experience. As a matter of fact, you don't HAVE to be among those just looking to relax to enjoy these additional services! Whether you are an athelete looking for extra attention to your aching feet or just looking for a little something extra to compliment your massage, we've put together a list of eight delightful services commonly found on spa menus as accompaniments.
1. Eco-Fin Paraffin Alternative
Most spas offer a treatment known as "Paraffin Waxing." These treatments, though soothing to dry skin, are often partroleum based and are not biodegradable. Eco-Fin breaks the mold of normal paraffin treatments by creating biodegradable "wax" cubes made only from natural ingredients--a unique blend of oils, shea butter, vitamin E--and pure essential oils to create scent-sational aromas. These cubes are melted and "painted" onto the skin. Once the product is applied, warm mitts or booties are placed over the hands/feet so the aroma of your choosing has a chance to "bake" into the skin, allowing it to absorb all the other ingredients. After baking, the client will expereince a short but satisfactory hand/foot massage and each treatment is finished by an application of an aloe based spray, created to help lock in moisture and create smooth, refreshed hands and feet. These treatments are a great accompaniment for the individual who wants extra pampering any time of the year or for anyone who suffers from chronic dry skin, especially in the winter months.
2. Body Scrubs
Another great add-on to treat dry, chapped skin are body scrubs. Made either with a sugar or salt base to help exfoliate dead skin, body scrubs also leave skin rediculously smooth and almost silk-like. Each scrub offered at Where Soul Meets Body has a unique aroma that will not only soothe the body, but also the mind. Each treatment starts with a quick dry brush to exfoliate any loose dry skin, followed by the application of body scrub (which exfoliates further), and is finished by applying the body butter that compliments your scrub the most. This treatment is guaranteed to become addicting as it will leave your body renewed and feeling as smooth as a baby's bottom! Our homemade sugar scrubs and body butters are even available for purchase so you can bring your new favorite treatment home and use whenever you'd like! Check out all the body scrub treatments and scents we have to offer at Where Soul Meets Body here
3. Soothing Stone Accompaniment
While hot stone massages have been a favorite among many, not everyone enjoys the amount of hands-off time that comes with the nature of these treatments. Some people are even nervous about the possibility of getting burned by the stones (we promise as long as there is clear communication on how the tempurature feels on your body, this will not be an issue at WSMB). However, those whom have never had one of these massages do not realize what they may be missing out on. Heated in a "crockpot" to 130 degrees, each stone holds heat for approximately five minutes when removed from the water. The stones are then used to massage tight muscles, as the heat helps to relax them even more than a regular massage would. The accompaniment version of our soothing stones massage uses the basalt rocks to heat and penetrate those muscles that need it the most, rather than using them during your entire session. An incredibly relaxing treatment for anyone suffering from sore or tight muscles, or perhaps just looking to warm up during a cold day.
4. Happy Feet (Reflexology)
Everyone loves a foot massage! Well, okay, maybe not EVERYONE (I'm looking at you ticklish people!). For those who do however, you can't go wrong with having a little extra time spend on tired, aching feet. From atheletes to individuals who stand on their feet all day to those who suffer from plantar fasciitis, our happy feet accompaniment is guaranteed to leave your feet feeling, well, happy! Known as an ancient Eastern modality, this 15 minute add-on uses techniques that have been utilized for thousands and thousands of years, mostly in China. It is based off of the theory that each section of the foot corresponds with a particular body part or organ, which can be worked through energy pathways found in the feet (also found in the hands). While this accompaniment may not be a long enough session to work out issues found vicerally (mwaning within the organs), it is definately a massage enhancer that will make you crave more! This modality uses Peppermint foot lotion, may be used with unscented or lavender lotion upon request
5. Cranial Sacral Release
Cranial Sacral is another energy-based modality, focused on the opposite end of the body. While Where Soul Meets Body does not offer cranial sacral as a stand alone accompaniment, anyone may request incorporating these techniques into their massage or by simply booking a Craniomassage (half massage/half cranial sacral). This modality uses light touch to manipulate the different sutures (sections) on the skull and spine. Though some clients may experience a somatic emotional release, especially if they are holding any sort of trauma within these areas, most individuals describe it as "an extremely relaxing and refreshing experience." A great option for anyone who suffers from TMJD, chronic headaches/migraines or if you just need a mental reset. Indeed you are practically guaranteed to zone out and maybe even take a nap!
6. Face & Peppermint Scalp Massage
Another invigorating though relaxing accompaniment great for headache relief is our peppermint scalp massage. Peppermint is also known to help with alertness, respiratory congestion/sinusitus, and even dandruff. Each session starts with a gentle face massage followed by a light application of peppermint oil (diluted with coconut oil) massaged into the scalp. If you experience chronic headaches, or are experiencing one during your session, some of the diluted peppermint oil may also be massaged into your temples, forehead, and base of skull to bring relief. For ultimate headache relief, we suggest adding this enhancement to a Craniomassage. Peppermint oil will NOT be placed very close to your eyes for any reason, as it may cause a burning a sensation. A wonderful way to end your massage, and help bring you back to your senses (no pun intended)--especially if returning to work.
7. Aromatouch Technique
Developed by Doterra and often compared to Raindrop therapy, the Aromatouch technique focuses on a specific protocal using handpicked pure essential oils. Each oil is placed along the spine and is then massaged into the back. Fractionated coconut oil or unscented lotion may be applied onto the skin first to dilute, especially in cases of sensitivities. The four areas focused during these sessions are: stress relief, immunity enhancement, inflammatory reduction response, and homeostasis. The oils used for homeostasis are also placed on the feet. While a complete Aromatouch session is 45-50 minutes long, the accompaniment version is condensed down to 30 minutes, though still follows the same protocal. This enhancement is great for just about everyone! I do recommend trying it at least once! May also be included as a 10-minute hand massage using any oil of your choice. To read more about the Aromatouch Technique, please visit the previous blog post here.
8. Strecthing
While stretching is not listed on the menu as an accompaniment, it is a great add-on to any massage for no additional cost, even for those not scheduling a sports massage. Sometimes remembering to stretch is harder to fit into your normal well-being routine than you would think--mostly from years of not making it a habit or priority. We'll take the stress away from you not remembering and do it for you--just ask! We'll also supply you with worksheets to bring home for your fridge or office to make stretching easier to fit into everyday living. Your body will thank you!
There you have it! Eight great services to bring your massage exeperience to the next level. More information on each of these can be found on the accompaniments page, or by simply asking your therapist. So, when you schedule your next massage, which add-on will YOU choose?