🚧 Website Under Construction 🚧

Our website is currently undergoing some renovations to bring you an even better experience with Where Soul Meets Body. Stay tuned for the exciting updates coming your way soon! Thank you for your patience and understanding during this construction phase. We can't wait to unveil the fresh look and enhanced features to serve you better.

During this time, please feel free to use our NEW integrated scheduling system OR contact us directly at 609-857-1554/ susie@soulmeetsbodymassage.com for any inquiries, appointment bookings, or further information about our services.

Thank you for being a part of our Where Soul Meets Body community!

new and improved “Susie Smash’

It’s a new year so we decided to give our signature therapeutic service a make-over. While the original “Susie Smash” included both the results-driven techniques of deep tissue mixed with relaxing Swedish (and a technique or two of other modalities thrown in there), we have added some special treats to make this a well-rounded therapeutic experience. “Susie Smash” 2.0 may now include silicone cupping, hot stones, hot towels, and/or liniments, including hemp derived CBD lotion. Each of these hold properties that help to break up adhesion, penetrate into deeper muscles, & release tension.

The perfect combination to really relax: body, mind, & soul

Book your “Susie Smash” today!


Due to the pandemic/post pandemic world we live in, self care has become a vital necessity. While massage therapy in general holds many physical, mental and spiritual benefits, our training in Trauma Touch Therapy can help you go even deeper into helping you heal traumas, anxieties, and more from the past year, or even longer. Because we believe in this unique modality so much & know there is a great need for compassionate, safe healing environments in the crazy world we live in, Trauma Touch Therapy will be offered on a sliding scale basis until further notice. While our normal price is $150 per session, & is typically (yet not always) done in 10 sessions, we will be offering this service sliding between $40 and $150 based off of what you can afford. We are still fighting through unprecedented times, let us help you facilitate your healing without the added stress of breaking the bank.

To learn more about Trauma Touch Therapy, click here or reach out if you have any additional questions. We are here to help.

Sessions can be done in person at our office or virtually, based on your comfort level, &/or location.