massage series

Guide to Giving Massage

Guide to Giving Massage

When you’re relaxing on a massage table, it’s easy to see massage as a gift. Whether you’re there to reduce pain, to ease anxiety, to help you recover from the physical and mental stresses work or athletic training or parenting or simply being alive, massage is a moment of freedom in an occasionally crushing world. If you’re thinking of sharing the gift of massage with someone else for a special occasion or “just because,” you are almost certainly doing so from a place of love and generosity.

Obviously, I’m a big fan of giving massage as a gift! But just as with choosing to visit a massage therapist yourself, there are some considerations when offering this kind of gift.

Five Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

Five Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

It’s that time of year again. A time of celebration, family gatherings, holiday parties, gifting, traveling, and most of all, excitement. While many of us are thrilled and looking forward to the holiday season, that excitement is generally accompanied by STRESS. Stress to pick out the perfect dish, give the perfect gift, maintain a spotless house, show up to every party, and decorate our homes like Martha Stewart. So here’s a few tips to help you keep your holiday stress under control, so you can enjoy what the holidays are truly about.

Relief for PTSD Found in Massage Therapy

Relief for PTSD Found in Massage Therapy

Living with PTSD can quite literally be a nightmare. Luckily, massage therapy and other bodywork modalities like Trauma Touch Therapy (TM) can help. If you or someone you know could use some relief and massage therapy isn’t an avenue you’ve tried yet, please continue reading this blog.

Dealing With Rotator Cuff Injuries

Dealing With Rotator Cuff Injuries

You’ve been doing Olympic lifting for a while. Or stocking tall shelves. Or cheerleading, throwing your partners overhead. Everything was great! Until suddenly, it wasn’t. Ice and ibuprofen didn’t quite do the trick, so you visited the doctor. And lo and behold, you’ve got a rotator cuff injury and two questions:


How the heck did this happen?




What on earth do I do now?

Why is an Intake Form Necessary For Massage?

Why is an Intake Form Necessary For Massage?

For many, the idea of massage as healthcare is still a foreign concept, so often it’s not understood why massage therapists require all clients to fill out a health/intake form. However, this is a very important part of how we assess your needs for the session.

Five Steps to Healthier Skin

Five Steps to Healthier Skin

Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body? The truth is, there are so many factors that go into how to improve your skin quality. What you put into your body, how you care for it, the environment that surrounds you, and your stress level all play a part in the condition your skin is in. So, how do we improve the quality of our skin? And we’re not just talking the skin on your face. Skincare includes the skin throughout your entire body. It needs special care. Here are a few of our favorite tips to help you out.

How Does Reflexology Work?

How Does Reflexology Work?

Reflexology is so much than just a foot massage. As well as being super relaxing, a good reflexology session is an effective way to re-balance your body and address certain medical issues naturally and gently.

What to Expect During your First Massage

What to Expect During your First Massage

For many, massage therapy isn’t really on the radar as part of routine healthcare. It may have just been something that was part of a spa gift certificate the family got mom for Mother’s Day or a splurge before a big event, like a wedding. But the massage industry has only grown over the last several years, and with it, a new public acceptance of massage therapy as part of a healthcare and self-care protocol. While it may seem a little intimidating to get your first massage, let me put you at ease by filling you in on all the details of what to expect.

Post Sports Event Massage – How Does It Help?

Post Sports Event Massage – How Does It Help?

After a big sports event your body will be stretched to its limits, and ou will more than likely be feeling tired and sore. The ideal time for a massage, we think!

A post-event massage is typically performed anything from 30 minutes up to a day and a half after a race or event. It’s designed to help improve your blood circulation, get lymph flowing and relax tired muscles after you’ve pushed them hard.

Why Massage Therapy Can Give Athletes a Competitive Edge

Why Massage Therapy Can Give Athletes a Competitive Edge

You train hard to reach your goals, but injuries can send you back to the couch! Prevent injury and recover faster with regular sports massage therapy. Massage stimulates your body’s own natural healing process, so you can keep challenging yourself and keep winning. Read more about sports massage here!

How often do you REALLY need a massage?

How often do you REALLY need a massage?

We discuss the different options based on your personal lifestyle so you can feel better for longer.